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KMS Weekly Update 9/11/23

KMS UPDATE September 11, 2023


KMS Parents and Students, 



Good afternoon and sorry for the delay in sending out the bi-weekly newsletter. I was waiting on one very important announcement about the Halloween Dance. I can now confirm it will be Friday, October 27 from 5:00pm to 7:00pm. The cost will be 10 dollars. The school year has continued to be very positive and smooth here at KMS. The students have been working extremely hard in the classroom and interacting in a very positive manor with their teachers and peers. I hope that you are seeing the same things I'm seeing at school carry over to your homes as well.

Mr. Race


Next couple of weeks at a glance...

Tuesday, September 12 - First PTA meeting @ 7:00pm at Tavern Six patio

Friday, September 15 - KES - Walk-a-Thon

Monday, September 18 - Start with Hello - SPIRIT WEEK


  • Monday - Mr. Bell will announce and describe the Start with Hello initiative
  • Tuesday - Green Out
  • Wednesday - Say "Hello" in another language
  • Thursday - Favorite Shirt Day
  • Friday - Hat off to Kindness - Students wear hats and go out of their way to do something nice for someone

Kirtland Middle School - Important Dates 2023-2024

The link provided will take you the Kirtland Middle School - Important Dates for the 23-24 school year. There are still a few things that need to be added at the end of the school year, but they will be updated in the next couple of days. My goal for the year is to be as transparent as possible to major events taking place down the road at the school. I will continue to add to the important date section of the newsletter for upcoming events, but if you are wanting to plan for things, please refer to this document.

Lost and Not Yet Found Items

The lost and found area is quickly starting to fill up again. Please remind your son or daughter to check the area in the office, if they are missing lunch boxes, water bottles, and hoodies. There is a lot of really nice stuff that needs to find its way back to it's owner.

Bob Race's picture
Bob Race
Bob is using Smore to create beautiful newsletters